WHAT IS NALTIMA? NALTIMA is a specific long-acting opioid antagonist. It is used as an additional therapy for the treatment of opioid and alcohol addicts. The effect of NALTIMA will reduce the desire for taking opioids or alcohol. You can check Naltima 50 mg price online. Naltima 50 mg price IN WHICH CONDITIONS YOU SHOULD NOT TAKE NALTIMA? • If you have acute hepatitis • If you have a severe liver or renal function disorder • If you are an opioid addict and you are still taking opioids, because of the possible occurrence of acute abstinence syndrome • If you have a positive result of a screening test on opioids or a naloxone provocation test was unsuccessful • At the same time, drugs containing opioids • If you have symptoms of acute abstinence syndrome WHEN TAKING NALTIMA TAKE A SPECIAL CARE: Never take opioids and alcohol after taking NALTIMA tablets. Al...